Thursday, November 29, 2018

Anvika's first haircut

Anvika had entered the world of luscious locks and wanted to comb her hair herself everyday. Little hands trying to comb those curly locks often got tangled and it took me a lot of effort to untangle them, not to mention the effort and patience it took to have her stay still while I comb her hair. I was shocked one day to see scissors in her hand and she actually cut her hair because she couldn't take off her rubber band. So we decided to get her a haircut. Don't get me wrong- I love her two piggy tails and she looked adorable in them. We call them aeroplane :) But with 2 kids and that too girls, trust me 10 mins saved in combing their hair each morning mean a lot.

First things first- I gave her a heads up that she will be getting a haircut and she will look super cute. To make her feel more comfortable we took the two girls together for a haircut. These days kids salons are super fancy and have fun chairs to sit on- like an aeroplane or sheep or giraffe. Kids can choose to see their favorite movies while they get a haircut and thats what I call cherry on the cake :) Often kids get very anxious and that makes it difficult to have them stay still. So while Anvesha chose to watch Tinker Bell, Anvesha chose Mickey Mouse.

Anvika also got her favorite baby to the salon so as to have her hands occupied. She refused to wear a cape and after several attempts I gave up and  had her sit without one. I must say the lady did a very good job keeping her clothes clean.

Here's a small video from that day

Iam so proud of her. She did great !!! I have known kids who cry their hearts out while getting a haircut. But my little doll was just fine :)

Here's Anvika in her new look

Here's a certificate from the salon

Well this wasn't technically her first haircut, but yes, first haircut after the mundan.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

I am grateful for.......

Dear crazy munchkins of mine,

It's me- your Mamma, yeah I know I am not sleeping with you even though I pretended to be, just so you fall asleep and I can sneak out to get my break. Yes, I need a mini break from you gals because you sure know how to drive Mamma insane. I mean, can you two get along for the 5 minute that I am finishing up my work? Or give me some break when I am cooking for you a nice well balanced meal? Why do I need to watch "My little pony" or "PJ Masks", or "Super Monsters" everyday? You know what, I think I have learned all the lyrics better than you! ha ha

Even though it may seem like I am complaining, which I am, I just want to say that your Mamma loves you. Like a lot a lot a lot !!

But sometimes, I feel like I am not the best mom that you may want me to be. I feel bad that some times I am not able to play with you when you want me to. I feel terrible when I shout at you when you dropped milk on the sofa. I feel like I am not there yet, being a good enough mom.

But then I look at the two of you, I look at your faces and let's try to get passed the fact that you two look like your papa and not me, even though I try to convince myself that you look like me because I am the prettier one here :) Looking at your angel faces I realize that I am not doing a bad job after all- I see that you smile when you see my face first thing in the morning. All you want is Mamma when you get hurt. You eat the food cooked by me like it's the best thing in the world. You laugh at my not so funny jokes and smile when I make silly dances. You listen when I am teaching you. You cuddle and hug me when I read you a book and love my make believe stories.

You trust me
You believe in me
You know I will protect you no matter what.
You love me unconditionally.

You two are my best friends- for real- yes you are- even though this may sound silly. Even though at times it may seem like all I do is scream, clean, change poopy diapers, know that I am watching you, I smile when I go down to the basement and see the two of you playing.

I just want to say THANK YOU to the two most beautiful monsters in my life.

Thank you for reminding me that my mistakes and flaws do not affect you- all you want is your Mamma. Thank you for reminding me that there's no such thing as perfect mom but a mom who is the best mom for you two.

Thank you for the good night kisses and morning hugs.

All I want is for the two of you to be happy and loved. I am happy that I am achieving that everyday. The rest will come in time.

Love you,
Your silly Mamma 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Happy Children's Day

 There are some things that we can't buy, one such thing is our childhood. 

Today is children's day, a special day for the kiddies. This day is set aside to celebrate and appreciate the children in this entire universe. Every child is different and unique in his own special way and deserves a special treatment.

A very happy Children's Day to my butterflies. I love the way you girls are growing up. You deserve a wonderful treatment because we as parents are so blessed to have you two in our lives.

ANVESHA means quest, discovery- quest for happiness and discovering happiness in an all entire new way. Happiness in seeing you happy :)
ANVIKA means powerful and complete- you made our family complete in every sense.

Seeing you two play together brings back old memories of my childhood. Both of you are so different yet so similar. The house is so annoyingly quiet when we don't hear your chitter chatter, laughter, cries and constant fights.

There are things you do or say that changes me as a person. These things may be small or forgetful to some, but mean a lot to me, like how Anvesha brings home a new rock every day from school and gives it to me saying, "Mamma this is a special rock that I got for you from school."  The way Anvika kisses me out of the blue and wants to keep giving me kisses for the next 10 minutes. All these little gestures make me feel so special and complete.

I might be biased here, but my girls are the most affectionate humans I have ever known. I am also afraid as the outside world is hard and so I want them to remember few things:

1. Be kind and generous
2. Love deeply and at the same time let yourself be loved too
3. Trust God and most importantly, trust your instincts
4. You are worthy of all the good things, so never ever settle for the second best.
5. NEVER EVER give up and don't be afraid to fight for your rights.
6. Never let the child in you go away.

Absolutely the most joyous time of anyone is without doubt their childhood, so never grow up. Keep the child in you alive. A smile of yours can show heaven on earth and the twinkle in your eyes can still us for ages.

It's Children's day today- YOUR day!! So have a hip-hop-happy time.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Halloween Fun

This Halloween was technically Anvika's first halloween. Last year I was in India with the kids and the year before that Anvika was still a newbie. This makes me go back to the days where I struggled with 2 kids after my parents left. Phew!!!! gone are those days of feeding every 2 hours, spending sleepless nights trying to calm a colicky baby.  Fast forward, 2 years..... how life changes. Anvika has beautifully evolved from a new born to a headstrong 2 year old. She has her likes and dislikes and is very particular about few things, like her pillow.

This Halloween I let the girls choose what they wanted to be for trick treating. Anvesha had many options. One day she wanted to become a rockstar, the other day rapunzul next day a cowgirl and some day a super girl. So after a lot of options, we finally settled down with a supergirl.

As far as Anvika goes, she had 3 choices- either to be a witch, or a ladybird or tinkerbell. Maybe she liked the word Tinkerbell, so she chose to be Tinkerbell this Halloween. I don't blame her- coz her big sister also became Tinkerbell when she was 3 year old and it's the same costume that Anvika also wore.  

Both the girl looked so adorable in their costumes

Rain or Shine..... they don't care.... 

Both of them were so high on sugar that day. Here's what they earned...

Anvesha was so impatient to go for trick treating, she couldn't wait for dusk, so they kept waiting at the doorstep while Anvika was busy eating her lollypop :)

Anvesha also had a Halloween party at school where there were a lot of games, food, craft activities.

I love dressing them up and Halloween definetly gives an opportunity for them to be what they want to be and of course eat candies :)