Wednesday, June 26, 2013

New friends... thanks to Anvesha!!!

I must admit that I have been a loner and an introvert by nature... Iam unable to initiate a conversation or keep it going... Thats how I have been all my life. When I take Anvesha out for a walk or in the park, there are so many people who come up to me (the population mainly comprises of moms :))I have made few friends, thanks to Anvesha :) I like to call them , "park friends". There is a common topic to talk about... "our little ones". It gives me some time out from home and talk to new faces. Like i said earlier in my posts life is beginning to settle down and its time for me to reconnect with my friends, I would also like to add here its also a good time to make new friends, meet new moms. Parks, play areas, online communities are a good way to meet new people. Being a stay at home mom does get frustrating at times. Everyone needs change and going out to socialise surely makes life easy. Also, it is a win win situation for both me and Anvesha :)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Breastfeeding- An emotional affair

It has been almost 5 months that I have been breastfeeding Anvesha exclusively. There were times when people around me suggested to start formula milk for her, but I decided to stick to breastfeeding. There is absolutely no substitute for breast milk and it helps build a strong immune system for the baby too. Besides the benefits of breastfeeding, it is more of an emotional affair for me :) It has helped build a strong bond between me and Anvesha and it feels heaven when I hold her in my arms.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Reconnecting with friends

I had been out of touch from practically everyone ever since Anvesha was born.  life is beginning to settle down a little with Anvesha following a fixed pattern of schedule. I remember initially for the first few months all I did was fed her, changed diapers while still recovering myself. Now is the time for me to reconnect with my friends and concentrate on few other things ...that reminds me I have to complete my pregnancy journal as well.... (ya ya I know im too late). Sorry friends.... I know I have been underground all this while... I assure you, you will see me more often now or atleast hear my voice :)

Friday, June 7, 2013

Rolled Over !!!!!!!

Today Anvesha rolled over for the first time. She hates tummy time and I have to make a persistent effort to lay her down on her tummy several times a day. She has started observing and trying to reach out to her toys. So today evening while giving her tummy time, I placed a mirror in front of her (she loves to see her own face) and placed few toys out of her reach. In an effort to reach out to her toys, she rolled over!!!! I screamed in excitement....Iam proud to be the first one to observe this happen. Prateek just missed it from a fraction of second. After this we tried that she rolls over again, Prateek jumped to get the handycam, but as they say.... this one was a "limited time offer".

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Motherhood brings out the best in you. You discover a new you. There are some traits of my personality that I have just discovered !!!!! Patience, perseverance, multitasking.... to name a few. Being a stay at home mom makes life challenging, especially with no domestic help here in the United States. I have evolved from doing one thing at a time to multitasking now. With a little bit of planning and multitasking, life can be a lot simpler. Even while typing.... Iam feeding Anvesha, having my evening tea and writing my blog :) So much for motherhood....Phew!!!