Sunday, May 10, 2015

This Mother's Day

So it is mother's day- my third mother's day... a day when  I revisit the fantastic memories that I have had with my lovely daughter Anvesha. Every mother's day for me has different memories. The first one was rather special, for the simple fact that it was my first Mother's day.  I remember when we brought Anvesha home, I was so terrified since she was so tiny and helpless. Would I be a good enough Mom? Those sleepless nights when I would stay awake all night just to watch her go to sleep. Those tiny hands that held me tight while learning to take the first steps... those first words that were music to my ears. Anvesha's first 2 years have left such profound memories in my heart.

But motherhood is not all rosy picture..... I have witnessed my baby crying uncontrollably at 3 am demanding to be nursed while I was trying to wean her off. I have also chased a two year old through a quiet library- screaming. I have bribed my daughter as we go grocery shopping, begging my way down every aisle. I have packed my dinner in a to go box because we simply couldn't make it through a meal in public. I have hated some days and longed for the quiet house that comes with the "sacred" nap time hour. And for as many challenging days, there were infinite times as many that were simply good . Sweet chubby hugs, chocolate kisses, the brilliant moment of teaching something new, stroking sleepy heads, the wonders of every day. While I know this wonderful phase won't last long, I cherish each day, knowing that it is precious, One day I will be alone in a perfectly neat and quiet house waiting for my daughter to come back from school....

This mother's day here's something for Anvesha. Hope she reads it one day with a smile :)

"Dear Aanu,

As mother's day approaches I have been thinking about you- I know its supposed to happen the other way around , but that's how we moms are, we can't help it :) I know I am not perfect- Yes I get cranky, Yes I nag about going to bed early and huff and puff when you take longer than you should and yes, you sometimes test my patience, but rest assured I love being your mom. I don't always get it right, but I am trying to be the best mom for you. I am trying to keep this family of ours together and balanced. Your dad is wonderful and walks right along side me in this parenting gig. You are growing up fast, which I hate and love at the same time. You are the joy of my life and I would choose you every time if someone gave me a second chance...even if I am having a bad day and I ( wrongly) take it out on you.....even if you are having a hard day and I am not able to handle it well. Our family is the best part of my world which means YOU are the best part of my world.  You have given me moments of joy that I never thought possible... you have made me dance around the house like a kid again and made me play hide and seek. 

I am so glad that I am your mom.  Thank you .... since I am the only person in this world who is honored to have the title of "your mom"  and that makes me a very lucky person indeed. 

Happy mother's day Aanu..... a tight hug to you.... Muaahhh !!!!!

Love you heaps, 
