Saturday, August 12, 2017

Happy Birthday Sunshine

Little Miss Sunshine- Anvika is one!! One whole year of getting to know each other, of loving her, of being blessed with daughter as sweet as her for the second time. I never really believed that I could love any other child as much as I love Anvesha. But I was wrong- having a daughter is the most wonderful feeling in the whole world and  I am lucky to have two :)

At times the last one year felt like the longest journey. But really it went by in the blink of an eye. seeing the changes in her in the last 12 months and thinking how she will grow in the next 12 months, blows my mind. Getting to the end of the first year was more like, "We made it!" feel to it. I was exhausted, anxious and juggling between Anvesha's school, after school activities and taking care of a baby. It broke my heart every time I had to wake up Anvika from her sleep to tag her along with Anvesha for her ballet, art class or even for that matter picking her up from school :( Anvika was almost 3 months when my parents left for India and thats when I had a reality check. Life was tough at that time, but as they say, "when the going gets tough, tough gets going". I somehow figured it out and got used to it. Want to thank each and every person who helped me in my first year's journey with 2 kids, the first being my parents- my mom- my guiding light, Satya, Dwiti who helped me in their own special way.

Reflecting on the past one year- how many milestones we hit like the first time she smiled, first time she sat unassisted, first time she tasted anything apart from breast milk, first haircut ( mundan ),first time she crawled, I could go on and on.... I never thought I could change in so many ways. Never experienced so many emotions all at one time- the happiness, anxiety, joy, worry, guilt. I am also reflecting on the ways I have changed as a mom again- the ways I am a different mom than I thought I'd be, and how I am a better mom than I thought I'd be. Thank you Anvika and thank you Anvesha for making me a better mom now :)

Here's a sweet note for Anvika on her birthday. Hope that years from now, she would want to read the birthday messages from me :)

"My dear Anvika, on your first birthday,

One year ago, at 1:07 AM, I heard your sweet cry for the first time. Right there, life changed, for all of us, including your big sister, Anvesha. One year ago, I spent the night staring at your precious face. One year ago, we became a family of 4. Anvika means completeness- and very rightly so. Thank you for making our family complete. 
You're such a joy to be with. With your sweet and mischievous smile, you lighten up our hearts. You love attention and once you have it, you know how to keep it. 
So, on you birthday, we all want you to know that you are loved- so so so so so much!!

Happy first birthday Sunshine!!!! Keep smiling to spread the joy.

Love you to the moon and back !!!
Hugs, Mamma"

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