Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Spring Break

Last week was Anvesha"s spring break and yayyyy...I survived this week long break. Don't get me wrong... I love my kids, but staying with them 24/7 and answering Anvesha's endless questions.... I mean reallly???   I don't want to be the overwhelmed mother who cannot focus and one who longs for her kids to go to bed so that she can get a breather:) Even though I try to be on top of things, I still feel that at times I am just not enough for my daughters, may be they deserve more of my attention and time. Over the years I have realized that at the end of the day, my sanity is what matters the most. Only then can I give my best to my kids.

So, coming back to the spring break.... it was challenging to keep the kids occupied, especially in the rains. We did have 1-2 sunny days here and there and thats when we rushed out to get that fresh air. Anvika stayed in her stroller while Anvesha went biking. 

Anvesha is slowly being more and more confident to ride on her bike and we practised a lot around the community.

 There were times I arranged for playdates at our home, so that the kids can play and stay entertained. On the other days I had to keep her involved in helping me around in my household chores. She loves to "help" :) Anvesha has started going for her art class and loves it. Mondays are reserved for that and Thursdays are for ballet. 

I had several activities for Anvesha that she did in this break. One of them was "design your own treasure box" that she loved a lot.

Tada!!!!!!! here's the final product :)
Then there was a taping activity, she is still getting a hang of it....

Another activity for her in her spring break was the Peppa Pig's lacing activity. She likes Peppa Pig a lot and showed  a lot of interest in this one..

So that's how we passed the last week... Oh! and I forgot about the grocery shopping... where Anvesha was the one taking charge of what she wanted to buy. That also helps in understanding how things work and the concept of buying stuff from the stores.

We ended the Spring break with Easter egg hunts and a trip to see the Cherry blossoms

I am not saying that I didn't lose my cool at times, yes I did, especially when I had to pretend to listen to the same story for over 10 times and still pretend to be so so so interested in it :) But I am so blessed to have such amazing daughters, I must have done something really nice to have these amazing little humans in my life. Love you both to the moon and back :)

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