Thursday, May 23, 2013

Chit Chat with Anvesha

Now is the time to hone up the communication skills. These days I spend as much time possible talking with Anvesha. Though I must admit that it does get frustrating at times trying to make her sleep and holding her ( she is more than double than what she was when she was born. Today was one such day when i was too tired to hold her and she would want no one else except me. Too tired to hold her, I decided to talk to her instead and like a mature adult tried to explain why I cannot hold her. She listened quietly as though she understood everything and started "cooing". I lay her down and she started smiling at me as though she wanted to console me that all is well and she would cooperate. This is my version of our little tete a tete :P Anvesha might have a different version though... :) Suggestions for new moms: Keep talking with your little angel. This is how you would help them communicate and strengthen your bond with them. Happy chatting !!!!!


  1. start Penning your experiences

  2. I am sure besides good Manager , u will be good writer too .Also you have full command on all subjects. Keep it up
