Thursday, May 23, 2013

4 months just flew past...

Alright, i know Iam too late to share a post on my experience as a new mom. From the time I first held her to the coos and cuddles of my newly gifted angel,every experience has indeed been a rewarding one. My heart just melts when i see her smile. Anvesha is almost 4 months now and I can feel the bond between her and me. She has started holding her head up straight and responding too :) Things are moving fast and I step back and wonder its been 4 great months of my life indeed. She looks out for me and it sure is an ego booster when no one else can calm her when she is cranky except me :P From the time i held her first, I felt she knew me already..... afterall Iam 9 months senior than her dad ;)Every day is a new milestone achieved. She enjoys being out and observes everything and everyone. Today I saw her grabbing her toys and trying to hold them tight. Anvesha started holding her head up straight and smiling socially when she hit the 3 months' mark. The Goo-Goo's, Gaa-Gaa's and Giggles is what I hear each day. Trying to learn my baby's new language and enjoying it thoroughly. There is more to come and I will be more regular publishing my posts. Till then, take care!!!


  1. great, finding time with good bringing up , I salute U

  2. I am also late in commenting.You are the best daughter ,I m proud of you
