Saturday, January 28, 2017

Happy 4th Baby !!

My Dear Cutie Pie,

A very happy 4th birthday to you. Can't believe it's been 4 years already. You are the one who turned me into a mom and you are such a joy and full of life. "You're my favorite person in the world", is not something that you hear from me these days, ever since Anvika came into our lives. I have two gems and both are my favorite.  It's hard though, not to keep thinking about it.

You are the one who taught me what unlimited, unconditional love feels like, Even though you are not my ONLY child, or even my only girl, you will always be my first. You are the first one to make me forget myself. You are the first person I ever said, "I love you" to, to more than 10 times in a day.You are the first person whose temperature I took, whose nose I wiped, whose dirty diaper I changed and who ever vomited on me. With you I made my first time mom mistakes, like leaving the window open so that you accidentally fell off from the second floor :( Who knew you could push the mesh so hard that it could fall off? Thank you for not getting hurt.

While you are not my only child anymore, you will probably be the kid who knows what it's like to have my  undivided attention. This realization also gives me guilts, but then again Anvika, does have some advantages. I can't imagine that she can be bored or lonely for long- not with your unlimited songs, dance moves, gymnastics and many tricks :) She loves to watch you do that and you are an amazing big sister.

You were my first newborn, infant, toddler and preschooler. With you I have had many "firsts" and you're the one who continues to surprise me every day with your super gymnast skills :) So if you are feeling frustrated that I am holding your baby sister instead of playing hide and seek with you or when I am using stern words with you and not her ( she's a baby), or because I can't stop saying just how cute she is, you should know that there is more than enough love for both of you, because of the ever expanding place in my heart that you made.

You, You, You- you will ALWAYS be my first :)

A very Happy birthday to this awesome ballerina who is also an amazing big sister!!!

Hugs & Kisses, Mamma

Monday, January 9, 2017

Baby gear that we love

Anvika is my second child and by then I knew what baby products we absolutely needed when she was born. With Anvesha, we went over board with baby shopping and ended up not using 50% of the baby stuff. But now, I have become somewhat of a minimalist and have only kept  baby items that are absolutely necessary for our everyday needs.

When we were moving to our new home, I donated a ton of stuff and only kept the ones that I felt made my life so much easier as a new mom. There were also some new items that we bought along the way that helped me. I agree that babies need a ton of stuff, but baby products are insanely priced most of them are only a feel good factor that they outgrow so soon.

Here's a list of baby products that have helped me along my journey of motherhood :)

1. Bumboo Seat- This is one product that has been used by both my girls. It is so light and easy to throw practically anywhere. Anvika isn't quite able to sit up straight yet, but, nevertheless wants to be involved with all of us. We simple have her sit in her bumboo seat and she has so much fun looking at all of us, especially Anvesha.

2. Swing- This is one product that has been extensively used by Anvesha. She loved it so much that she could practically sleep on it all day. This also came as a big help when she had a sleep hiatus. She wouldn't sleep on anything else. I think that this is probably the best investment we have made- a complete value for money.

3. Baby carrier- This is a must have in any baby registry. This goes with us everywhere, since you never know when Anvika wants to be held and I don't have the hands to do it. It's also comfortable and easy on the back. I love that it can grow with her as she gets older. A versatile baby carrier.

4. Swaddle-  Anvesha hated to be swaddled, but little Anvika absolutely loves it. Although she has outgrown that age of being swaddled, but this was a miracle in the first 2 months to help her sleep better.

5. Boppy Pillow- I didn't use the boppy pillow for breastfeeding with Anvika, but has used it a lot with Anvesha. But with Anvika, I have used it a lot in these first 4 months for tummy time or just have her sit there with support and let her look around. It is soft and keeps her secure.

6. Auto Mirror-  I had one post dedicated to Brica auto mirror in the past. This is a great product for babies who hate car seat and need to be occupied with something to keep them distracted. It worked well with Anvesha and is working with Anvika as well. The music, lights and sounds keep the babies happy and they can look at their own image in the mirror that also keeps them occupied.

7. Baby bouncer- This has been gifted to us by a friend and Anvika loves sitting on it. I usually have her sit on this while I get some cooking done. She watches me and plays happily with the toys. Sometimes, she falls asleep on this. Thanks Satya for this wonderful gift :)


I am sure there zillions of other baby products available in the market, but these are the ones that have worked best for us and made life much easier. I am sure ten years down the line, looking at how we have brought them up,will certainly bring a smile on both my girls' faces. Few products do have a sentimental value attached to it, like the swing and over the years, the list will keep growing :)