Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rainbow Birthday Party !!!!

So, Anvesha turned two last week... time flies !!! This year we went for a RAINBOW theme and it was so much fun pulling it all together. Why a rainbow party ??? Well, there are many reasons,.... Anvesha naturally gets attracted to bright colors and girls love rainbows !!!! Love it when she gets super excited on seeing a rainbow and delightfully calls out "ainbo" . She does not have any favorite character as such, so the Minnie Mouse, Dora, Tinker Bell, Barbie or Cinderella can wait for now.

Having decided on the theme, I began my research on what all to include in the RAINBOW party and came up with some ideas, thanks to Pinterest.  For starters, I wanted to try out and have as much rainbow-inspired decor as possible. So the plates, napkins, spoons, glasses, balloons, streamers were mostly either reds or yellows or greens or blues. The next big thing on my list was designing the cake and this took more time than I had imagined. I wanted to have a rainbow cake for sure, and didn't want to compromise on the taste or the appearance.Google can be your best friend or your, well... lets just say worst friend. I was super confused seeing the images of all the rainbow inspired cake on the net and finally came up with something that I thought would be most appropriate. The cake was custom designed.... though the rainbow didn't quite come out how I had imagined it to be, but it nevertheless brought smile on Anvesha's face and that's what is most important.

The dress code for the day was... yes !!! you guessed it right.... rainbow inspired color(s). We wanted to have a colorful birthday party and  Anvesha's birthday dress was especially bought from India keeping the theme in mind.

Kids can make you learn so many new things. The rainbow jelly for instance, which apparently was the showstopper of the party. I had never imagined I would make this beautiful piece myself!!! It required lot of time and patience as every layer of jelly was painstakingly allowed to set before the next one was added. It took me 2.5 hrs to make these beauties, but was pleased to see the end result. The transparent condensed milk layer  in between the pop colors was a tasty surprise.

Now for the fun part...... kids loved to play the "rainbow treasure hunt"..... whosoever finds the maximum number of rainbows wins !!!!  The second game was "pin the cloud on the rainbow", though the little ones were not blind folded and the tiny ones took help from their mommies :) It was so much fun watching them figure out where to pin the cloud.

There you have it! A two year old's RAINBOW extravaganza !!!!

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