Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sleeping Through the Night... Yayyyyy !!!!!!!!!

I am so glad that I finally did it !!!!!!! I night weaned my baby and bingo !!!!!!!! Anvesha has now started sleeping through the night :))))))) This is such a major developmental milestone, just like walking. It has been 1.5 years of waking up every other hour at night that I actually forgot what it was having a peaceful sleep. The initial few months were the toughest. I had people telling me that its probably because she is hungry, or things will settle down once she starts eating solids- but they never did. I secretly envied moms whose babies slept through the night, I can confess it now ;) I am so much against the cry it out method. I feel it is fundamentally wrong to expect a tiny baby to fall asleep on her own and let her cry till she falls asleep.Plus, I really do not have a heart of letting my baby cry while I walk out of the room- that's just not me !!!

We did try every trick so that Anvesha sleeps through the night, by which I mean sleeping for 9-10 hours straight. Maybe she is hungry- so I began my mission- a mission of feeding her well before going to bed. This often times resulted in overfeeding her :) No luck !!!! Is she under tired ??? So I ensured she has loads of physical activity; by which I mean running errands with her to the play areas, parks, neighborhood. I don't know about Anvesha, but I definitely was dead tired by the end of the day. We even checked the temperature of the room in order to ensure she is neither too hot nor too cold at night. I also ensured she is well hydrated. But all in vain !!! The sleepless nights followed and I was sleep deprived.There were days when I looked more like a zombie with hair undone, clothes improper for the occasion..... but I had to be on my toes and always smiling at least in front of Anvesha- I guess thats the biggest lesson I have learnt after becoming a mother.

So this continued for 1.5 years and her pediatrician even recommended me to try the sleep training which meant trying the cry it out method, which I am so much against. In the meantime it was time to night wean Anvesha. This was harder than I imagined it to be. She would wake up every other hour like usual and often times I would nurse her back to sleep. Refusing that was a nightmare for Anvesha and she would cry uncontrollably and would eventually fall off to sleep. This continued for almost 10 days and by the end of the tenth day I noticed she was sleeping for longer stretches and finally one night she slept through the night !!!!!!!! This was such a relief and I got the much needed sleep :)

Every child is different and what worked for me may not work for others and vice versa. All said and done, as long as the baby sleeps well, its all good :) A happy baby is equal to a happy mommy !!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Radha Rani :)

Hare Rama Hare Krishna ... Krishna Krishna .... Hare Hare !!!!

The festive season has just started which means lots of great fun, food, pooja, temple visits and good clothes :) Anvesha has now reached an age where she attaches meaning to objects, actions, places or people. Like I've said earlier, it doesn't matter which place in the world we live in, inculcating values in our kids rests on us; and if we can make it more of a fun activity, the kids will show more interest as well.

Janmashtmi is one festival which is so much fun for kids. Celebrating Lord Krishna's birthday is a great way of involving kids.  I love dressing up Anvesha and this Janmashtmi Anvesha was dressed up in a cute Rajasthani lehanga choli that I had got from India. We also had matching accessories to go with the dress.... a headband, pearl necklace, silver anklets, silver bangles and a matching bindi.  She looked so cute dressed up as Radha Rani. She loved  her bangles and was dancing around like Radha as though she was waiting for her Kanha.

At home, we had decorated the temple with colorful lights. We made a small swing of garlands for our Laddoo Gopal and Anvesha loved to pull it back and forth. As we performed the aarti, we sang songs of Lord Krishna. Anvesha looked confused in the beginning, but soon got a hang of it. We headed to the temple after the aarti.

Seeing Anvesha in that cute little dress reminded me of a bollywood song, " O Radha Teri Chunri" :)

 Here are few glimpses from yesterday.

"Shri Krishna Govind Hare Murari, Hey Nath Narayan Vasudeva".

Wishing you all a very Happy Krishna Janmashtmi !!! 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

100 % Weaned !!!!

So the day is finally here.... the day I say a long goodbye to the 1.5 yrs of an exclusive bond that me and Anvesha shared. As I type, my heart is filled with mixed feelings as nursing for me was more than just providing nourishment for my baby. I often nursed for comfort and despite of what friends and relatives said, I continued to nurse past 6 months. I had, in my mind set a limit of an year to start weaning. But it was difficult than I imagined it to be- it required a lot of time and patience. Anvesha showed no signs to stop nursing and so I had to wean her very gradually. Sometimes it was the sick days and sometimes it was the teething that added a speed breaker to the weaning process. It was getting harder for me as nursing takes up a lot of calories and I constantly felt weak and tired.

I wanted to go gradually and not stop abruptly as this would be very traumatic for Anvesha. So, here's what I did ever since Anvesha turned one:

  • Don't offer, don't refuse: Since Anvesha is very attached to me, I never intended to go cold turkey when it came to weaning her. So I held back from offering her a feed and at the same time didn't refuse when she asked for one. This works pretty well in the initial stages of the mother led weaning.
  • Skip a feed: I skipped one feed at a time during the day each week and for several weeks. Morning and night feeds are usually the last ones to go, so I did not bother about them initially. As a substitute, I offered her a healthy snack or whole milk  so that she remains full. This was so gradual that it gave her time to adjust.
  • Distract: I postponed the day time feeding sessions and often distracted Anvesha if she got really upset. I often times took her out for a walk or read her a book, soon she forgot about it and was back to her usual self
  • Shorten the nursing time: I gradually started limiting the nursing time. It was confusing for Anvesha initially, but eventually she got a hang of it.
  • Cold Turkey:  Here's the tough part- Anvesha was completely weaned off during the day as it was much easier to distract her.The night time feeds, the morning feed and the bed time feed were so hard to give up and I was left with no choice than to go cold turkey. It was so difficult to have a stone heart and refuse her all together. She used to cry and whine and I constantly kept repeating to her that she is a big girl- its night time- she don't need me to fall asleep. The first day was the toughest. She cried for almost an hour and a half and eventually went off to sleep. I followed the same thing for the night time feeds and for the morning feed, Prateek pitched in to distract her. But this did not end abruptly- like all other feeds it was dropping one feed at a time each week.
So it took me exact six months to wean her off completely.This has been a gradual transition and Anvesha now sleeps for longer stretches at night. She does wake up once, but goes back to sleep after a cuddle and a hug from me.  I am now left with mixed emotions about letting go. Some part of me experiences this as a loss.  Suddenly Anvesha looks like a big girl to me. Please baby !!!! please don't grow up so fast :(

But I guess a  part of loving our child is grieving as she moves from one stage to the other, and we as parents need to honor that grief.