Monday, February 17, 2014

Tell me a story

One of the best things we can do for our children is spending time with them as it tells the child that they are important to us. This can be difficult if you are tired, but it is important. Bedtime stories have been very effective in developing a strong reading habit. It can take a child to a new world of imaginative activity and also helps build a strong affectionate bond between the child and the parent. Going down the memory lane, I remember sneaking into my grand mom's bed and requesting her to tell me a story. She would tell me all sorts of different stories of Indian Gods and Godesses, panchatantra, fairies and I would go into my own dreamland. Every time I would visit my grandparents, this was my bedtime ritual. There are some family rituals you want to carry on and story time is one of them.

We've got Anvesha few fairy fables, which she loves. Though she doesn't understand a word of what is inside the book, but she enjoys flipping the pages. Her favorite character these days is Tinker Bell & Rosetta :) I try my best to make story times special and enjoyable for her by showing pictures from the book as I am reading, making sound effects with some unique voices and dramatic pause ;) Phew !!!!! so much for becoming a mom. But believe me, its all worth it !!!!

Luckily for us, we have our local library nearby and guess what? they have weekly story time sessions as well :) My next step is to get her enrolled in one such story time .... and I am very curious to see how she responds, I think she will love it :)


  1. Nice attempt to make kids like books stories and tell stories with gestures...soon she would start learning all

  2. Nice attempt to make her understand thro gestures...soon she will understand all and will cross question u..b ready with satisfying replies.good luck
