Saturday, July 28, 2018

Fun with Legos

Anvesha has found a new love for LEGOS these days. Actually she loves knocking down all the things we build with legos, but as long as she is having fun, I really don't care how she plays with them. I remember we had been to Legoland with Anvesha when she was 2 year old. At that time she didn't understand much about legos. Anvika has started to play with legos too and seems to be occupied with it for a fairly long time. She loves to play with Mega blocks as well. I really wish both my girls benefit from lego play some day.

Playing with legos can be fun and educational. It opens up their creative side and builds concentration as well. It can keep a child quiet for hours- total bliss!!! When I was a kid we never had legos. But I remember going to my friends home and playing with legos. All I did was build a house- the same house over and over again. But it's completely different now. You can build so many things with these tiny bricks with a little imagination and plenty of patience.

Lego certainly is a fantastic toy. It's amusement potential is infinite, but not all kids like to play with them. It has taken me a while to get Anvesha to like legos. With summer break these days, we spend a lot of time doing legos and creating different things. She does a great job making something by looking at the instructions, but I want her to get imaginative and make a something unique. We WILL get there some day.

This is today's lego project.

So whenever I am stuck with what to buy as a birthday present for anyone, LEGOS are a safe bet. You can NEVER go wrong with legos :)