For most of us, life revolves around a set routine, like having tea at particular time of the day, going out for a walk at certain time. This routine is true for even babies and toddlers. Activities that happen at about the same time and in about the same way every day provide comfort and sense of safety for young children. Framing a daily routine for babies is really important since they like a predictable world.
We had always been so hard pressed when it came on framing Anvesha's daily schedule and often times I have stressed out when her nap time would move here and there Anvesha is 17 months old now !!!!! They grow so fast.... Although there is no such thing as a typical schedule for any child.... but this is how her day roughly looks like :
Wake up 7.30-8 AM... usually is in a playful mood earlier in the morning
Breakfast is usually an hour after she wakes up, mostly 9- 9.30 AM
I dress her up for the day and we play around a bit. If the weather is good I take her out for a stroller ride around the neighborhood.
11 AM- Snack time
I drop her off at the day care at noon where she spends the next four hours.
Lunch at 1 at the daycare. She gets tired by that time and gets her siesta. She is down to just one nap in the afternoon now.
3 PM - snack time
I pick her up at 4 PM and we head straight to the park and she plays there for an hour or so. In between I offer her some light snack to munch on.
7 PM- bath time. We have changed her bath timings for summers. She loves playing with water and splashes water all over.
Dinner is at 7.30 PM
By 9.30 she is off to bed into her own dreamland !!!!
There is always room for deviations ofcourse, like vacations or flu. We do try to mix things up sometimes, especially on weekends so that she learns flexibility and tolerance.
There is always room for deviations ofcourse, like vacations or flu. We do try to mix things up sometimes, especially on weekends so that she learns flexibility and tolerance.