Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Anvesha @ 15 months

Time for an update !!! I like to have these things documented so I can always look back with a smile :)
Its been 15 months for Anvesha in this world !!! We had her 15 month check up today and she is 19.5  lbs in weight which is the 25th percentile and 29.5 inches in height which is the 25th percentile.

Though her vocabulary is still small, but she still has the ability to convey her mind through some hand gestures, sounds, words. This display of communication is rather impressive. This is also an evidence that she is learning how to share her thoughts. When asked to get her ball, she runs to get it. Ask her where "Tinker Bell" is and she will get her storybook to you. Bath time is fun time for Anvesha. Sing the song, " Chai Chappa Chaii" and she will drag you to the bathroom. She is learning new words.... and my ears are still waiting to hear Mamma :) Here's a list of few words she can say:
  • "Doah" for Dog
  • "Ish" for Fish
  • "Shhhh" for Shoes
  • "Aiii" for Bye
  • "Da" for Duck
  • "Bub Bub" for bumble bee
  • "Ja" for jump
She is 75 % weaned as of now and the day time feedings are close to zero... yayyyy !!!! As far as favorite foods are concerned... well she loves strawberries & oatmeal- she will just jump in excitement on seeing strawberries. Her favorite song these days is "Clap your hands"  and she can "clap her hands", "stamp her feet", "jump up high", "turn around" in sequence on hearing this song :) Cute isn't it?? Here's a video of her activities.

Anvesha has four upper teeth and four lower ones right now, one lower molar and two upper molars have erupted and the other lower molar is on its way.She also has a small finger toothbrush and loves to brush her teeth :) We also need to have her first dentist appointment soon :). The past few days have been tough on her .....sleepless nights, lack of appetite and fussiness and I would blame it on these "horrible molars"!!!

She is down to just one nap during the day now and this gets harder on me as I am not able to catch up on my sleep (yeah.... she still doesn't sleep through the night ). I  am not a great supporter of the cry it out method of sleep training... though many people swear by it and that is what her pediatrician recommended too. I just feel its wayyy too harsh on the child and I just do not have the heart to let her cry until she falls asleep. The sight of her falling off to sleep on my lap is just so precious that I can give up anything in this world for that.

It might be a little early to comment whether she is a left handed or a right handed girl... but she prefers to use her left hand a lot. Neither me nor Prateek is a lefty, so it would be exciting to have a left handed person in our family, and we don't wanna manipulate her hand preference at all.

Although I do miss going to work at times, but watching  her grow right in front of my eyes is something I cannot trade off for anything else. Over the years I shall look back with a smile and say with pride, "That's my girl" !!! 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Tulip Fest !!

Spring is here and the tulips are in full bloom :) We have been going to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival since 3 years... its one of my favorite places here and last year around the same time Anvesha was still a  2 month old newbie. She is more mobile now and runs around more confidently, with me chasing after her. She loves touching the leaves and holding the colorful petals in her hands. It was certainly a delightful trip for Anvesha when we went for the tulip fest this year. She was so happy to see millions of tulips in full  bloom and ran around here and there screaming in excitement.

For a winter baby like her, seeing the tulip fields spread across 100s of acres of land surely is a treat. I find myself really lucky to see these beauties of nature here in United States- something that we miss in India. For kids who are of Anvesha's age, its a wonderful time for getting exposed to these wonders of nature. They can actually relate to what they read in storybooks and watch on the television.

It sure is a matter of great pride for both me and Prateek when people give her compliments on how cute she looks :) Clicking her pics was challenging for us as she would just not stand still.She was so busy absorbing the wonderful sight of the tulips, that she completely ignored us :( Here are few best ones from the tulip festival this year

Flowers are in full bloom all around us and I am so looking forward to summer this year. I also have a mental list of all the things I wanna do this summer..... but more on that later !!!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter is memories of Easter are somewhat faded.... all I remember is the long Easter break we used to have in school, so we didn't quite participate in the Easter egg hunt. But Easter is celebrated on a large scale here in United States. It is great fun for families with children and the kids really look forward to them. The community in which we live had organized the Easter Bunny Egg Hunt and it was such a big hit :)

We dressed up Anvesha in an adorable "Sweet Bunny" pink dress ( it coincidentally matched perfectly for the day) and a  white bunny ears hair band. She looked so adorable in the cute little Easter basket that she took around in hunt of eggs :) The Easter Bunny was such a hit among kids and there was a photo session too. Anvesha was thrilled to meet the Bunny and we clicked loads of pictures of them together.

Anvesha collected four eggs which were good enough for her age :) She happily flaunted her Easter basket and played with the candy filled eggs :)  Though she still hasn't reached an age where she attaches meaning to what is going on around her, but she enjoyed nonetheless :) Here are few memories from today's Egg Hunt.

Encouraging kids to participate in such events is a great way for them to learn various cultures, interact socially plus value and respect diversity. Easter egg hunt may be more of a western concept, but involving kids in such activities is a great way for them to develop and understand these concepts in a better way and relate to what they see and learn in storybooks  :)

Happy Easter Everyone !!!!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Kanjak Poojan

With the navratri celebrations Iam reminded of my childhood days in Shimla, when I got ready to accompany my friends as we were invited by many neighborhood households for kanjak, a ritual very popular in north India- young girls are invited to be worshiped, offered delicacies like halwa, puri, chana and are given gifts or money. Kanjak Poojan is usually done on ashtami or naavmi ( eight or ninth day of the navratris). At our end we perform this on naavmi ( ninth day of navratris ).

We do not have many Indians in the neighborhood here and Anvesha missed the many opportunities that she would have got- had she been in India around this time ;) We did have friends come in for Kanjak though and since Anvesha could not eat all of the yummy halwa puris, I finished them for her, lol :)

We dressed up Anvesha in the traditional salwar kameez that day and she looked adorable as she played around with the dupatta. Since it was 'her' day, I took her to Wiggle Works- kids play area, so that she could enjoy her day. She is fond of stacking these days, so I thought it would be a good idea to get her a stacking ring, which reminds me of the onion rings at Red Robin :)

Here's our Kanjak, ready for her Kanjak Poojan :)